“How the Turntables Have Turned” – A Look at Which “The Office” Characters Would Fare Best as CEO

Image via NBC Universal

In times like this, shows like “The Office” have become integral part of how many people live their lives when they are sheltering in their homes looking for a bright light during the day. While “The Office” has certainly earned its title in the pantheon of most binge-worthy shows, it has also shed a light on numerous corporate and business policies that are part of everyday life for some. From Michael Scott providing his own HR training (“Prison Mike”) to Jim Halpert slinging paper with the best of them, “The Office” really has a little bit of something for everyone in a corporate setting. So the impetus of this article is trying to find out who would be the best CEO of a giant company, and all bets are off the table at this point. While I can include mainstays like Dwight Schrute, Michael, and Jim, I wanted to give a spotlight to some of the lesser-known characters in this race.

Ryan Howard aka “The Temp”: Ryan actually got a shot at a higher up gig in Dundler Mifflin when he was promoted to help spearhead “Dunder Mifflin Infinity” as Jan Levinson’s replacement in season four. However, his own narcissism and hard-partying ways got the best of him and he was outed from his new illustrious position soon after. Howard has mostly displayed a cool temperament other than his egregious promotion, but has mostly sat on the sidelines during major events. His relationship to one Kelly Kapoor is also troublesome as well since Howard folds under pressure and thus would not be a good candidate to help the company through uncertain times.

Not much is know about Creed or his origins, but he has many of the intangible qualities one could want in a leader according to also unknown sources. Image via bustle.com

Creed Bratton: The dark horse in this race, not much is known about Creed or what he does at the office. Creed is a man with unknown origins whose interests include being a cult leader, both as a follower and a leader, so we know that he has been a somewhat of an authority figure in the past. Truly someone who you have to keep an eye on, Creed does also have the ability to blend in but also stand out when he needs. Indeed he might actually be our favorite at this point in the way that he attacks situations and makes a lasting impression, time will tell if this pays off in the end.

Kelly Kapoor: Now if there is someone in this race that best embodies the notion of “getting what you want” there might not be a better candidate than Kelly. Her office romance with Ryan aside, she adds in necessary input when called upon and is one of the strongest female voices in the entire show. While her and Ryan’s relationship has been cantankerous at times, it has also illustrated how powerful she can be at changing the outcomes of situations and getting what she wants. Of course this is somewhat of a stretch candidate at this juncture, but Kelly’s tenacity could make her a favorite in the overall race.

Well with a top three of candidates to narrow down to, the overall winner really has come to heated conclusion. While both Kelly and Ryan have shown leadership abilities in the past, their communication skills have not always been the most progressive and effective. Additionally, their respective track records of having abrasive arguments throws them out of the running which leaves only one viable candidate. Creed has never been the character that jumps off the page to anyone, but his ability to command a room and operate from the shadows makes him a dark horse leader that many can rally around. So with our list concluded, drop me a comment below or let me know who your favorite candidate to be CEO from “The Office” would be.

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