The Cozy Hour: Best Practices to Break Up The Day

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So this whole blog has mainly been about how business ties to pop culture and vice versa, so to end this week strong, I wanted to mix it up a bit and talk about something a little different. While being in the workplace can be extremely rewarding, it also can come with a mental toll and strain on one’s psyche. That being said, I wanted to share some of my favorite rituals and practices that have helped me stay focused and aligned during my day to day. Most of these will come off as common sense, but it is always nice to have a gentle reminder here and there. Also in keeping with the theme of the blog, I will throw a little pop culture anecdote for each point below.

While I do miss the “Animal House” days of college, I have come to enjoy the quiet down times of my mid-20’s. Image via

Not burning the candle at both ends: This was a big one for me when I graduated from college and started transitioning from that lifestyle of being a college student to someone with a full-time job. While I still maintain a healthy social life, I have made it a point to separate my work and play time as things have progressed in my career. In my line of work, happy hours and social settings are common so the line can get blurred, but I have tried to be diligent in making sure to have a clear divide and being able to manage my time. While I have not always been successful at this endeavor, it is a lesson I wish have learned earlier in my career and want to continue to practice each day.

Continual exercise (one of my favorite albums): In my high school days I was extremely active but as I have gotten older I have found it harder to keep that level of physical activity up. I know it is cliche, but really carving out time for your physical health is so important for your psyche. I like to do afternoon walks at my work to avoid an “afternoon slump” and also basketball or volleyball when I get the chance. My sister just got a puppy so I should have a new walking buddy soon! So while this is another example of easier said than done, it is truly something I have gotten to appreciate on a different level as I have gotten older.

Socializing!: This is the most fun example on the list, but if the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that humans crave social interactions. As someone who has always been around people, but appreciated their down time, I have found having a healthy and realistic balance between the two is uber important. I enjoy meeting new people, but am really a homebody at the end of the day. So being mindful and making time for these situations has been critical to building my mental health and staying off social media which is probably where you are reading this from. So let me know what you do to stay centered and also have a safe weekend!

Thoughts on TikTok: The Future of Video Calls?

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Well I think I have finally arrived at the point of “feeling old” in my late 20’s. The emergence of TikTok, which if you have been living under a rock, is a Chinese video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance that is taking our pandemic-fueled world by storm. Scores of young millennials are using the app and even older professionals are slowly embracing this new trend as it becomes more of a mainstream accessory in our tech-crazed world. With the world slowly coming back to a new normal, I wonder if this is the most opportune time for this app to emerge or if its trendiness will soon fade away? Below I delve more deeply into my thoughts on the topic and share some of my initial takeaways.

Before we get too far into the weeds, I just want to say that I am by no means an expert on the medium, but rather offering some rapid-fire takeaways on the new-ish social media app. First off, the success of the app is really undeniable at this point. In 2019, media outlets cited TikTok as the 7th-most-downloaded mobile app of the decade, from 2010 to 2019. It was also the most-downloaded app on the App Store in 2018 and 2019. The Chinese company has seen a slew of interest even before the COVID-19 outbreak, but it has taken off even more in part thanks to the global stay-at-home orders given out by various nations. I myself have not downloaded the app, but I do wonder if the success will be longer lasting like Facebook or fizzle out like Vine.

Clemson head football coach Dabo Swinney has been an early proponent of TikTok as a way to engage with prospective recruits. Image via

What I have seen through this strange time in history is that the creative power of TikTok is really taking off, especially when it comes to the generation that is younger than myself. Most famous entertainers have taken to using the app along with football coaches utilizing it to relate to new incoming recruits (thanks, Dabo). The app seems to be generating a new head of steam to all walks of life and has been trending like crazy on other social media platforms like Instagram. What’s more is that TikTok does not seem to be slowing down and is now being helmed by Kevin Mayer as CEO and COO after he was chairman of the Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer & International division of the company. This is a promising addition since the app has come under fire for potential concerns relating from user privacy issues to conspiracy theories regarding the app’s origins.

So where do I stand on the popularity of the app? Well I don’t think I will be adding a profile anytime soon (unless I have another blog where I do covers of 80’s dance hits), the growth and development of the company is hard to argue with. As the world is utilizing video technology constantly during this global pandemic, I wonder if that will be the norm of the future in about a decade or so once this younger generation grows up. Consumers around the world love video more and more, but I don’t think it will ever supersede face to face interactions. But who knows, this could be the beginning of a new wave and our whole business lifecycle will be completely different by the time it is all said and done. So let me know what you think of TikTok below and if you think it will be an effective tool to communicate your brand in the future.

Snake and I: Business Lessons Learned from Snake Plissken

Image via Syfy Wyre

Throughout 2020 I have watched several various shows of varying degrees of caliber. Some better than others (Tiger King, the original Indiana Jones trilogy) to the not-so great (90 Day Fiancee, but shout out to my guy Big Ed). However during this time, I re-visited one of my all-time favorite classics: John Carpenter’s Escape From New York starring Kurt Russell. While Carpenter’s film did not achieve any major awards, his film received positive reviews from critics and was a commercial success, grossing more than $25 million at the box office. The film was nominated for four Saturn Awards, including Best Science Fiction Film and Best Direction. Its main character, Snake, has since become an icon in various mediums from video games to music and he is probably one of the most underrated action icons of the 21st century. That being said, I wanted to highlight his contributions to popular culture and being a diversified icon.

Big Trouble in Little China’s Jack Burton is another famous Carpenter character. Image via HeroesWikiFandom

That glorious soundtrack: Carpenter’s work regarding sound is well-known. His work on the original Halloween is chilling and iconic in terms of nostalgia and his scores on both Escape from New York and Big Trouble in Little China hold a special place in my heart. The music is performed by Carpenter himself and is a triumphant melody of glorious synth music with Snake being the spearhead. Yeah, I might be biased since I grew up with these melodies, but his soundtracks are some of the best known tracks from the era. Carpenter has even gone on to perform these songs with his son at various venues. So obviously the diversification of the film has gone a bit further than originally anticipated.

The Metal Gear Solid connection: If you have read my earlier blog posts, you know I am a huge fan of video games. Although none might be closer to the top of my list than the iconic Metal Gear Solid franchise spearheaded by creator Hideo Kojima. In his quest to establish a signature action icon for his new video game, Metal Gear, Kojima went through a couple incarnations of the character’s image. Initially, the artwork of the original Metal Gear game the main character resembles the Michael Biehn incarnation of Kyle Reese in The Terminator. Though in his later appearances, the Metal Gear Snake resembles Russell as he portrayed Snake in the film. Later on, art director Yoji Shinkawa said that his appearance is based off Jean-Claude Van Damme’s physique and his facial appearance is that of actor Christopher Walken. In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Snake uses the alias “Pliskin” to hide his real identity during most of the game which is also the last name of the character in the film. Though Kojima later established that the connection to Carpenter’s film was not intentional, the roots of this relationship were definitely a great boost to each other.

Legacy: Snake’s impact on popular culture might not be as profound as other famous characters of his generation, but his niche is certainly well-deserved. His likeness went on to inspire a sequel to the original film, the campy “Escape from L.A.”, a novelization, a comic book and even a board game (got to love that 1980’s capitalism). If this blog has helped me reflect on anything, it is shedding the light on characters and stories that have inspired me in my careerand who wouldn’t get inspired by a grizzled and disgraced ex-special forces operative? I even keep a picture of Snake at my desk today, weird I know, but I am superstitious. So comment below with your favorite action movie icon!

“The Last Dance”: The Best “Under The Radar” Moments

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Since this last Sunday, America has been mourning the loss of one of its greatest joys. That being, last Sunday was the conclusion of ESPN and Netflix’s Last Dance documentary on the 1990’s Chicago Bulls dynasty. The series showcased a ton of different angles of the multitude of personalities on those iconic teams. From the zen master Phil Jackson to embittered general manager Jerry Krause, there was no shortage of quality television from this 10-part series. So while there has been a slew of people sharing their favorite stories from the series, I wanted to share some of my thoughts as well in addition to this podcast. #plug

Dennis Rodman in WCW: Finishing a close second in this category was “Rodzilla” chugging a Miller (?) before speeding off to a bender in Las Vegas in between Bulls games. What is most surprising about this portion of the series is Rodman, the team’s defensive stalwart, putting the season on pause to go smoke cigars with “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan on an episode of Nitro. Though the taping was in nearby Auburn Hills, Michigan, it is hard to fathom a player doing something like this during the modern era. Just goes to show much of a skillful chemist coach Jackson was in combining of these volatile personalities together.

Michael Jordan on the iPad: Whether it was blasting Gary Payton or renewing old “Dream Team” rivalries, there was no shortage of meme-able content from His Airness. M.J. is famous for his bitter rivalries and long memory of slights, so being able to see his reactions in real time was a pleasure to watch especially given how legendarily competitive Jordan is. The North Carolina native did not become the greatest of all time by being complacent so his competitive drive was on full-display throughout the series. Jordan recounting his battles in the NBA Playoffs was a joy to watch, even if there was some revisionist history abound.

The core of the Chicago Bulls second three-peat. From left to right, Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. Image via

The blistering soundtrack: You can find the entirety of the soundtrack here but pairing old-school 90’s nostalgia with a star-studded Bulls highlight reel was something to behold. The majesty of those 90’s Bulls teams is pretty close to seeing how perfect basketball can be played, and while they had their dysfunctions, those teams set the standard for the league just like the songs featured in the documentary set the standard for hip-hop music during the era. These were songs that captured the grace and ferocity of those teams and made you feel like you were part of the moment as soon as the bass hit. The soundtrack had everything from high-intensity jams to somber melodies as the sun set on the Bulls dynasty in 1998.

Anytime “Sirius” was played: Wright Thompson wrote about Michael Jordan in an immaculate piece earlier this week and his impact on the game and one of the key standouts from the article was reflecting on those iconic Bulls intros from the era. During the height of their powers, there might not have been a more intimidating intro than “Sirius” by the Alan Parson Project. This intro rivals even some of the most iconic WWE entrances of all time in terms of making the hair on your arm stand up. So let me know your favorite part of the series and what it meant to you in the comments below.

The Nostalgia Corner: Reflecting on the greatest video games of the early 00’s

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I think we all have a favorite sleepover or birthday party scene from our childhood. In my case it usually involved Pizza Hut, WWE Confidential early in the night and definitely some Toonami: Rising Sun (hmmm, maybe that will be another article down the line) late into the evening. While the participants changed from time to time, it absolutely always included some kind of video game console and some multiplayer mayhem that was a key element of an awesome night with the boys. As time has gone on, I look back fondly on these memories and wanted to share with you all my top favorite video games from my childhood and their impact on a generation.

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WWF No Mercy (Nintendo 64): Touted as one of the greatest wrestling video games of all time, No Mercy was a staple of anyone that had a Nintendo 64. Between the crisp gameplay and all of the iconic “Attitude Era” wrestlers, there was a lot to love about No Mercy. However, sometimes in life all good things must come to an end as the relationship between as No Mercy was the last wrestling game to be developed by Asmik Ace and AKI for the Nintendo 64. Nonetheless, the game was also a commercial success, selling over 1 million copies and has a 89 overall rating on Metacritic.

Kirby Super Star (Super Nintendo): Before we get into the mini review, I just want to give a shout out to Peavine Elementary School in Reno and my friend Aaron Palone, the king of Super Star. Man, what is there not to love about the pink puff ball floating around in this insanely addictive platform adventure from the Super Nintendo? The answer my friends, is almost nothing. Super Star was both a critical and commercial success, selling over one million copies in Japan. The game was a strong mix of difficulty, platforming, an awesome soundtrack and beautiful visuals. I look back fondly on those memories from my elementary school days so if this read sways you to check it out, it is available on the Super Nintendo Classic which is also a great study in micro-sized nostalgia.

Super Mario Sunshine (GameCube): While there are certainly stronger main Mario titles in history (Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy), Sunshine was the first title that I completed 100% and man what a rush that is. Shout out to my little sister Molly for being there along the way with me along with my trusty helping of double stacks from Wendy’s (luckily I found track and field later on in my life to save my insides from failing). That being said, I vividly remember all of the glorious maps and endearing characters from this title that looked gorgeous and made everyday a vacation when playing thanks to its tropical visuals, soundtrack and of course, stellar gameplay. The game sold over five million copies worldwide by 2006, making it one of the best-selling GameCube games

Super Smash Bro. Brawl (Nintendo Wii): Part of the iconic Super Smash Bros. series, Brawl is arguably the perfect fighting game (yeah, I said it). In fact, while you are reading this list, I just want to take this opportunity to throw out an open challenge to anyone that thinks they can beat me in Brawl. While I am not usually one to boast, my skills on this fighting game were near the top of the totem poll amongst my friends. Sure I might be a little rusty, but Brawl is always a joy to play. In 2010, the game was included as one of the titles in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die. As of 2008, it is the eighth best-selling Wii game of all time, with over thirteen million copies sold worldwide. Just goes to show that people love the idea of Link swinging his sword right into Mario’s face.

Pokemon Red (Game Boy): Man I don’t think there is a better way to say “I’m the coolest guy in the room” than by owning an original purple Game Boy Color. That item is just drenched in success. Before I get carried away, my point being is that this was the device I used to conquer Pokemon Red and spent over 100 hours playing on and yes, I do not regret a single minute of playing. Pokemon is a phenomenal series, sure it might be kind of corny at times but it was a core staple of many of my peers’ childhood and always so rewarding to play. So leave me a comment below with your favorite game from your childhood or challenge me in Brawl (at a perfectly acceptable social distancing ratio).

Podfathers: My Favorite Podcasts and Career Lessons Learned

Image via Stitcher/Knuckleheads

Welcome back my millions (and millions) of readers! I took somewhat of a small hiatus from blogging to end the semester, but am back with a vengeance. As we slowly lurch into summer, I wanted to keep the theme of sharing my love of pop culture and how it has applied to my career in business. Since graduation from the University of Nevada in the summer of 2015, I developed a solid appreciation for podcasts. That being said, I wanted to reflect back on some of my favorite podcasts I have picked up since that summer and share them with you along with some business tips I have picked up from each.

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Pardon My Take: Really the undisputed champion as far as podcasts go. Between the constant content that the show is producing with its guests, social media, and now Twitch, PMT has always been a constant in my podcast rotation. I wrote about the trio of Big Cat, PFT and Hank earlier this year, but the admiration for the crew still stands, especially after their great recent interviews with Undertaker and Karl Malone. The show has also interviewed a slew of business moguls including Mark Cuban and has made it a point to produce constant content and a show that is near the top of iTunes podcast charts, well maybe at the top since Joe Rogan is moving to Spotify. My admiration for PMT is well known, especially since Cat is a Wolf Pack basketball fan and a low-key sneakerhead.

I AM RAPAPORT: STEREO PODCAST: Wow this might be a really controversial selection since the fallout between Michael Rapaport and Barstool Sports was so bitter, but man when they were on together, it was awesome. The peak period for me was in the summer of 2016 and listening to both Rapaport and his co-host Gerald Moody aka “G Moody” was always an entertaining time. Though the podcast does contain a 1.5 rating on iTunes, it was one of my favorites thanks to Rapaport’s brash wit and his skill in in connecting with his interview subjects. There was even a short-lived talk where the show almost linked up with the now-defunct Reno Bighorns (#HornzUp). Though I have not listened much in the last couple of months I fondly remember my time as part of the #Rapapack.

Knuckleheads with Quentin Richardson and Darius Miles: A more recent inclusion is duo of former Los Angeles Clippers young guns, Quentin Richardson and Darius Miles. Yeah I might be biased since “Q-Rich” enjoyed my column on him and Miles earlier this year, but their engaging content with their guests is unparalleled. Being able to hear war stories from the NBA in the 2000’s is amazing to listen to and also a nice nostalgia trip as well. The lesson here is how these two ex-pro athletes were able to transition into another lucrative career path and also doing so as friends and business partners in a positive way.

I already wrote about my appreciation for “The City” podcast that was put on by USA Today and the Reno Gazette-Journal, but I think it also deserves an honorable mention here. So let me know some of your favorite podcasts and what they mean to you. Also thank you for taking the time to read as always and leave a comment below as well!

The Economics of Quarantine: My Top 3 Favorite Purchases of April

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As maybe the strangest month of my adult life has come to a close, I have had some time to reflect on the last couple months of this blog. It has been such a joy to write consistently again for a purpose and I look forward to continuing into the summer with more anecdotes for pop culture and business. However, for now I want to go over some of my main purchases this last month or so in quarantine and power rank them on the grand scale of other iconic quarantine pick-ups. In terms of sheer economics, there are definitely few more interesting case studies than what consumers spend on than during a national pandemic so I wanted to share some of my own.

The Fire Red Air Jordan 5’s re-release on May 2, 2020. Image via Nike SNKRS.

Air Jordans/Sneaker in general: Well, it definitely is important to have a solid “drip” even when it is just you and your pet chinchilla mostly hanging in the house. The moment this blog is posted will be the day before the Air Jordan “Fire Red” 5’s drop at most major sneaker outlets. So while shoes might not have as much utility as hand sanitizer right now, it is truly something I am thankful and can still afford to spend on my hobby. What’s more is I am able to wear more of my shoes consistently around the house which was been a blessing in disguise somedays. While no new Yeezys have sparked my attention, my fondness for the sneaker game has grown more over this time, in a responsible way that is!

Video game consoles: This was really a surprise entrant to the list, but with vacations and trips out of town being postponed, video games have stepped in to fill some of that break time void. While I have always enjoyed playing in the past, they are a truly large time commitment that can be spent elsewhere. However, between Call of Duty: Warzone and Madden 2020 being on Xbox One, this was as solid a time as any to pick up a new console, the first modern one I have purchased since 2012. Shout out to all my homies in the Gulag holding it down!

Toilet paper, I mean more Digorno pizza: Frozen foods and I have a real love-hate relationship and the amount of time I have spent cooking at home has definitely gone up since mid-March. While my chef skills are hardly on the level of the Gordon Ramsay’s of the world, my appreciation for cooking and tasks around the home have definitely gone up. From cooking more to fixing things around the house to gardening, there have been a solid amount of projects done during my work breaks and down time at home. I definitely have taken to looking at each situation as glass half-full, so I am thankful to have knocked some things off my to-do list in this lovely weather.

So what have been your highlights during quarantine? Let me know in the comments below.

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