About Me

Hello! My name is Chris and welcome to my blog. A little bit about myself: I strive to help others, whether it be people or organizations, accomplish their goals via business development, marketing, or another strategy to help push them to the next level. As a native of northern Nevada I have a strong passion for the region and working with people and companies in it. In the past, I have helped businesses accomplish their goals via writing, marketing, sales and have been an award-winning member for multiple respected companies in northern Nevada.

For this blog I chose to combine my passion for pop culture (music, sports, media, etc.) and how it relates to business in the real world. Some of my topics will focus on present day events and others will look back in history regarding how business decisions influenced some significant changes across these various landscapes discussed. These different posts will all have a unifying theme of business concepts playing an important role in decisions all over the world. Additionally, below is a link to a short video that goes over more into depth the purpose of this blog.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope you enjoy reading my blog.

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