Love of the Game: My Favorite Players and Jerseys From My Childhood

For the final video in this series I wanted to share some of my favorite jerseys from the era and also their meaning in the greater scheme of sports from the 1990’s-2000’s. As this list shows, it is heavily geared around athletes from the era. Whether it be baseball, basketball or football, there are so many figures from this time that have left an indelible impact on the world of sports. Whether you are a fan or not, there is just something special about re-connecting to some of these iconic athletes and moments from a bygone era.

As we go over this list, I also wanted to share some personal anecdotes like I do in most of these posts and also encourage you to do the same in the comments below. These were a big part of my adolescence and would love to hear more about your experiences as well. As we go into each selection, I will also go over some of the best moments of this time and in these uni’s. Let me know some of your favorite stories in the comments below and appreciate you taking the time to listen.

1) L.T. powder blue Chargers
2) Pin stripe Padres Gwynn
3) Raptors Vince Carter
4) Georgetown Allen Iverson
5) Nevada Kirk Snyder

All images via:, Bleacher Report,, Slam Magazine,, Denver Post

Final Boss: Video Game Reflections from the 2000’s

As mentioned in a prior blog post (link here), I am a big fan of both nostalgia and video games from my childhood. With the final video in our series, I wanted to go into a little more depth regarding some of these picks and also their meaning to me and gaming as a whole. Video games have been a big part of my life and while I don’t get to play them as often as I once did growing up, I still enjoy their meaning and the stories behind them. For these four different games, I wanted to share some personal anecdotes from each and also the stories behind their place in my life. I also will go over some of their different cultural impacts as well.

With this also being the final video in the series, I wanted to briefly thank you for all taking the time to read this blog at any point in the last couple of months. I love sharing some of my favorite hobbies and interests as they relate back to business and connecting with new people. As time has gone on, I have also made a point to reconnect with my childhood as things get more hectic in this world. So would love to hear your thoughts on some of your favorite games or memories in the comments below or on Twitter as well. Thank you for the time and looking forward to hearing your feedback! 

-Super Smash Bros.

-Grand Theft Auto

-Metal Gear Solid

-Love/Hate Madden NFL

-Love of mini consoles

Images via, Rockstar Games,, Electronic Arts,

Bittersweet: Reflecting on the Chargers being on Hard Knocks

With summer all around us, one of my favorite highlights of the season is the new season of HBO’s Hard Knocks. This series details the training camp regimen and story around a new team each year and is a staple of any football fan’s preseason diet as they get ready for another year of the NFL. Though this year will obviously be different with the introduction of COVID-19 throwing everyone in the world for a loop, it also features my favorite team: the San Diego, I mean Los Angeles Chargers. Though I wish I could have seen Hard Knocks with the Chargers still in the 619, it will be awesome to finally see my team in one of the most well-produced annual sports series. 

Over the years, the cameras have covered everyone from the Dallas Cowboys to the Baltimore Ravens and have produced a plethora of awesome moments. My personal favorite has been the Atlanta Falcons season and legendary defensive line coach, Bryan Cox reeling off one one-liner after another. Moreover, watching Texans defensive end J.J. Watt workout to Fort Minor is another series highlight for the rather unintended sight of Watt being his uber serious self. So with this video I wanted to talk about my favorite storylines to look forward to this season regarding the Bolts and how the series might help their chances this year, if there is a season. 

Top 3 things to look for:

  1. New Quarterback
  2. Secondary expectations
  3. Transition to new stadium

Images via,,

Shoe Stories: My Favorite Sneakers of All-time

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For my first video I wanted to share with you my top four favorite sneakers that I own and also delve into their resales values along with the history of the shoes. For this rundown, I will primarily going over Air Jordan’s, with some new flavors mixed in a little bit. For me, the 90’s and the era around it were a special time, but I was not of age to appreciate the entire culture for what it was. That being said, there is a ton of nostalgia tied into these shoes along with some new feelings for the modern selections. You will probably recognize the selections in this video as they are some all-time classics. I also wanted to explore some of the retail values of these sneakers as well.

While I do love collecting shoes and the stories behind them, I also feel firmly that sneakers or a material possession are not the end-all, be-all, but rather how you feel in that moment in time and how it can have a bigger impact on your life. That has been my connection with shoes and I wanted to share it with you in this video. With collecting shoes, I also feel like it is a way to connect to a different moment in time along with being able to learn more about a hobby that can lead to some monetary gains. This was a fun list to put together and would love to hear your thoughts on some of your favorites as well! 

  1. Concord 11
  2. True Blue 3
  3. Yeezy V2 Zebra
  4. White Cement 4

Honorable: Space Jam 11

All Images Via

“I Go” – Lessons Learned from “The Disaster Artist”

Image via A24

In 2017’s The Disaster Artist, James Franco plays Tommy Wiseau, potentially the strangest character the silver screen has ever seen, but also potentially one of its most beloved. The film chronicles an unlikely friendship between budding actors Wiseau and up-and-comer Greg Sestero that results in the production of Wiseau’s 2003 film The Room, widely considered one of the worst films ever made. Indeed the move is a case study in the exuberance of one man’s dream, and the unlikely twists and turns through Hollywood. Throughout the course of the film we are shown the various lengths Wiseau will take to make his dream of creating a film a reality. While the film performed very well by award show standards — at the 75th Golden Globe Awards, Franco won the award for Best Actor – Musical or Comedy; the film was also nominated for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy — I wanted to focus in on some of Wiseau’s characteristics as a filmmaker and applying it back to business.

James Franco (right) portrays Tommy Wiseau in The Disaster Artist. Wiseau is somewhat of a pop culture phenomenon thanks to eccentricity. Image via

Don’t be afraid of who you are: In many ways, Wiseau’s resilience is what makes his character so endearing. He is not afraid of being who he is and then going for the roles that he believes in, albeit he would be better off playing Dracula than James Dean, but you have to applaud the man for putting himself out there. Moreover, while his vision for The Room is incredibly “cringe” at times, he is still able to pull a cast of people together to produce (though it does help that the checks he hands out are cashing in). Despite his bizarre accent and antics, Wiseau still manages to push himself through the muck of Hollywood and finally make a name for himself. While this might not be the result he was initially hoping for, it is still admirable that he pulled off such a uniquely successful venture as a Hollywood outsider.

Keeping your friends close: One of the biggest takeaways from the film is Wiseau’s relationship with Sestero that would hold up right between the best buddy films of all-time. Wiseau tabs Sestero as his supporting lead in the film and even tells Sestero that he wrote the picture so that they could accomplish their dream of being in a Hollywood movie together. While of course there are numerous details of their relationship that are unconventional, Wiseau makes sure to stick with Sestero throughout the film’s production and beyond. Indeed having your friends be involved with business decisions can be sticky at times, but they can also be your closest confidants and the ones who will have your ear when a change needs to be made.

Making chicken salad out of chicken sh*t: I don’t want to give away any spoilers here, but long story short, the film is not well received or atleast the way Wiseau had intented. Nonetheless, The Room, has since gained a cult following and is now regarded as one of the “best bad movies of all-time”. Without Wiseau’s determination and commitment to his original idea, the film would not be shown at midnight showings around the country in the same vein as The Rocky Horror Picture Show or on Adult Swim. Indeed, this is one of the rare cases where a totally unconventional plan works out and thus gives credence to going against the grain. Sure, there are bound to be failures in this process, but you miss all the shots you don’t take.

Alright so let me know in the comments below if you think these are solid tools to utilize in business or if I left something out!

Fear of the Pack: Why It Makes Sense for Coach Duggs to Come to Nevada

Gus Duggerton shown at his introductory press conference as the new head coach of the University of Tennessee. Could Duggs shock the world and make his next stop out west in Reno? Image with the Knoxville News-Sentinel

With professional sports around the world on standby for the most part, there has been a new face taking the country by storm. His name is Gus Duggerton and he is here to hand out some 50 burgers. Duggerton, better known as Coach Duggs, has been setting the Twitch world on fire since he broke out on the virtual scene not too long ago on Pardon My Take’s stream via NCAA Football 2014’s Dynasty mode. Duggs (piloted like a Gundam by PMT co-host Big Cat), has already had successful stops at Toledo, Florida State and USC as the architect behind the “Air Duggs” passing attack, but has now come into his own as the former head man at Texas Tech and now his record-breaking run at the University of Tennessee. With Duggs in the midst of another successful year as the leader of the Vols, I wanted to extend a couple reasons why another trip out west might make sense for the big guy.

Duggs has made successful stops in Tallahassee, L.A., Lubbock and now Knoxville. Could his next stop be Reno? Image via

Be the new king of the west: Sure Reno might be a little far away from the glitz of Hollywood or the sun-kissed beaches of Florida, but it still has a lot to offer and a lot of history to tell. As the land grant institution of the great state of Nevada, there is a lot to love about the University of Nevada and the ability to imprint your image on it. Though Duggs would be following in the proverbial footsteps of Wolf Pack legend Chris Ault, there is still much to be gained as the new king of the Mountain West and a ravenous fan base to pour into. Akin to former Pack basketball coach Eric Musselman’s time in Reno, Duggs would be the new king of the region and would be able to roll to numerous Mountain West titles. With Boise State slowing down, Duggs would be able to cruise to dominance shortly and then make history from there.

As much AYCE sushi as you can stomach: Given his status as somewhat of a football gypsy, Duggs has encountered his fair share of delectable delights across the country. From the southern fried treats of Lubbock to the Skyline Chili of Ohio, there has been no shortage of carnal delights for the big man to indulge in. Though he has probably not encountered the iconic Nugget Rib Cook Off or the AYCE sushi bars of northern Nevada which might make for a tasty romance for the big man. Moreover, Duggs could rule nearby Lake Tahoe during the summer months by holding court at Gar Woods with his legion of fans. Tahoe Tessie would have nothing on the incoming king of the Sierras.

Could Duggs establish a dynasty with the Pack? Only time will tell, but could this image be a sign of things to come? Image via Chris Boline

Doing something never done before: While the five star programs of the country have certainly earned their keep as such, there has been no football national championship in the history of the Pack. Though Nevada does have a lackluster budget and no outdoor practice facility, there is some history for the program and the upside to make your own spot in the annals of college football. Yes you would need to schedule multiple ranked opponents in the non-conference slate of the year to have a chance at the “natty” but it is not outside the realm of possibility. With Big Cat already being a fan of the Pack, the notion is not too far-fetched for his virtual doppleganger to make the trek to Reno and bring a title to the people of northern Nevada.

So let me know if you think Duggs should come to Reno after his sixth season and thank you for reading as always!

“Who Watches the Watchmen”: My Favorite Animated Novels of All-Time

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Reading has always been one of my favorite ways to pass the time, but graphic novels hold a special place in my heart. Sure they might be written off as “adult comic books” which would be ludicrous to say, but I have always held these books in high regard. I mainly started reading these during my undergraduate years in college, but have picked up a few since then. These books are hallmarks of my collection and I wanted to share my favorite picks with you as we wrap up the week. Below are my favorite graphic novels and also some stats about where they rank in the pantheon of their medium.

Image via

Watchmen: Created by by the British creative team of writer Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons and colorist John Higgins, Watchmen is in many ways a must-read novel. A commercial success, Watchmen has received critical acclaim both in the comics and mainstream press. Watchmen was recognized in Time’s List of the 100 Best Novels as one of the best English language novels published since 1923. The story focuses on the personal development and moral struggles of the protagonists as an investigation into the murder of a government-sponsored superhero pulls them out of retirement. In terms of commercial success, it is one of the greatest novels of the 1980’s and is probably my favorite graphic novel of all time for its thought provoking narrative.

The Dark Knight Returns: There might not be a better Batman or major superhero graphic novel than The Dark Knight Returns. Another iconic graphic novel from the 1980’s, it tells an alternative story of Bruce Wayne, who at 55 years old returns from retirement to fight crime and faces opposition from the Gotham City police force and the United States government. The Dark Knight Returns was written by Frank Miller who would later go on to write 300 and Sin City. The immense popularity of The Dark Knight Returns served both to return the character of Batman to a central role in pop culture, but also (along with Watchmen) started the era known as the Dark Age of Comic Books. While some would say the above two classics are overrated for their own reasons, they are both incredible pieces of creative work.

Dragon Ball Z: Okay this is sort of a cop-out since this is more of an anthology of Dragon Ball manga (a style of Japanese comic book or graphic novel), but it is a pillar of my youth and early adult life. Growing up, there was almost nothing better than throwing on Toonami and tuning into the latest episode of DBZ. As a kid, the Ocean Dub and later Funimation versions of DBZ have been burned into my brain and the story of Goku and friends is legendary amongst my age group. In terms of business impact, in Asia, the Dragon Ball Z franchise, including the anime and merchandising, earned a profit of $3 billion by 1999 (20 years ago!). DBZ is regarded as one of the most famous works of creative work through its iterations as both a manga and anime and is one of my favorite series of all time.

So let me know what your favorite graphic novel or comic book is of all-time in the comments below!

Together: Ways to give back in these uncertain times

Image via Dickson

While the lion’s share of this blog has centered around pop culture and business (more-so of the former), I wanted to take a brief break moment and talk about some pressing issues. With opinions obviously everywhere on social media, I wanted to offer some of my favorite ways to help our community in these uncertain times. These are just some of my favorite ways to help give back, some larger than others, but they all can serve a purpose for that is bigger than ourselves. That being said, I understand all time commitment situations are different, but these have been my favorite activities to give back and also keep myself sane during these times. So without further ado, here is the Mt. Rushmore (shout out to PMT) of ways to give back.

Image via Big Brothers Big Sisters Northern Nevada

Volunteering your time: I had the awesome opportunity to be a “Big” in Big Brothers Big Sisters in college and it was a great experience. While this was certainly a big commitment at the time (2 years), it was a solid way to connect with a new person. Since COVID-19 does limit opportunities for organized community service, there seem to be new endeavors popping up each week from community clean-ups to promoting new initiatives in our area. Yes everyone’s time commitment is different, but there are avenues and ways to give back to your area.

Donating:Whether it is old clothing, food or other supplies, we all could use a little early summer cleaning when we have the time. I have been able to clean out a lot of unused items in my house and been able to repurpose them with a little thought and effort. I have spent way more than the average person on tennis shoes so finding new homes for them has been a great way to donate and give back in a very small way. I know many others are doing this as well and I truly believe in the phrase “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure”.

Bettering yourself and the people around you: This has definitely been one of my favorite activities during 2020. From projects around the house to spending more time with my family when appropriate, I have taken on a new appreciation for my loved ones. This has included a new siding project (shout out Daniel) and also a new pup (shout out Molly and Moose) in addition to a new office set-up. I have also made it a point to watch more videos on financial literacy, increasing my own emotional empathy along with some other long-term goals for my future, when I’m not listening to some sweet beats that is. So comment below with your favorite ritual of 2020 (so far) and how it has helped you and as always, thank you for reading!

The Cozy Hour: Best Practices to Break Up The Day

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So this whole blog has mainly been about how business ties to pop culture and vice versa, so to end this week strong, I wanted to mix it up a bit and talk about something a little different. While being in the workplace can be extremely rewarding, it also can come with a mental toll and strain on one’s psyche. That being said, I wanted to share some of my favorite rituals and practices that have helped me stay focused and aligned during my day to day. Most of these will come off as common sense, but it is always nice to have a gentle reminder here and there. Also in keeping with the theme of the blog, I will throw a little pop culture anecdote for each point below.

While I do miss the “Animal House” days of college, I have come to enjoy the quiet down times of my mid-20’s. Image via

Not burning the candle at both ends: This was a big one for me when I graduated from college and started transitioning from that lifestyle of being a college student to someone with a full-time job. While I still maintain a healthy social life, I have made it a point to separate my work and play time as things have progressed in my career. In my line of work, happy hours and social settings are common so the line can get blurred, but I have tried to be diligent in making sure to have a clear divide and being able to manage my time. While I have not always been successful at this endeavor, it is a lesson I wish have learned earlier in my career and want to continue to practice each day.

Continual exercise (one of my favorite albums): In my high school days I was extremely active but as I have gotten older I have found it harder to keep that level of physical activity up. I know it is cliche, but really carving out time for your physical health is so important for your psyche. I like to do afternoon walks at my work to avoid an “afternoon slump” and also basketball or volleyball when I get the chance. My sister just got a puppy so I should have a new walking buddy soon! So while this is another example of easier said than done, it is truly something I have gotten to appreciate on a different level as I have gotten older.

Socializing!: This is the most fun example on the list, but if the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that humans crave social interactions. As someone who has always been around people, but appreciated their down time, I have found having a healthy and realistic balance between the two is uber important. I enjoy meeting new people, but am really a homebody at the end of the day. So being mindful and making time for these situations has been critical to building my mental health and staying off social media which is probably where you are reading this from. So let me know what you do to stay centered and also have a safe weekend!

Thoughts on TikTok: The Future of Video Calls?

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Well I think I have finally arrived at the point of “feeling old” in my late 20’s. The emergence of TikTok, which if you have been living under a rock, is a Chinese video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance that is taking our pandemic-fueled world by storm. Scores of young millennials are using the app and even older professionals are slowly embracing this new trend as it becomes more of a mainstream accessory in our tech-crazed world. With the world slowly coming back to a new normal, I wonder if this is the most opportune time for this app to emerge or if its trendiness will soon fade away? Below I delve more deeply into my thoughts on the topic and share some of my initial takeaways.

Before we get too far into the weeds, I just want to say that I am by no means an expert on the medium, but rather offering some rapid-fire takeaways on the new-ish social media app. First off, the success of the app is really undeniable at this point. In 2019, media outlets cited TikTok as the 7th-most-downloaded mobile app of the decade, from 2010 to 2019. It was also the most-downloaded app on the App Store in 2018 and 2019. The Chinese company has seen a slew of interest even before the COVID-19 outbreak, but it has taken off even more in part thanks to the global stay-at-home orders given out by various nations. I myself have not downloaded the app, but I do wonder if the success will be longer lasting like Facebook or fizzle out like Vine.

Clemson head football coach Dabo Swinney has been an early proponent of TikTok as a way to engage with prospective recruits. Image via

What I have seen through this strange time in history is that the creative power of TikTok is really taking off, especially when it comes to the generation that is younger than myself. Most famous entertainers have taken to using the app along with football coaches utilizing it to relate to new incoming recruits (thanks, Dabo). The app seems to be generating a new head of steam to all walks of life and has been trending like crazy on other social media platforms like Instagram. What’s more is that TikTok does not seem to be slowing down and is now being helmed by Kevin Mayer as CEO and COO after he was chairman of the Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer & International division of the company. This is a promising addition since the app has come under fire for potential concerns relating from user privacy issues to conspiracy theories regarding the app’s origins.

So where do I stand on the popularity of the app? Well I don’t think I will be adding a profile anytime soon (unless I have another blog where I do covers of 80’s dance hits), the growth and development of the company is hard to argue with. As the world is utilizing video technology constantly during this global pandemic, I wonder if that will be the norm of the future in about a decade or so once this younger generation grows up. Consumers around the world love video more and more, but I don’t think it will ever supersede face to face interactions. But who knows, this could be the beginning of a new wave and our whole business lifecycle will be completely different by the time it is all said and done. So let me know what you think of TikTok below and if you think it will be an effective tool to communicate your brand in the future.

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