Final Boss: Video Game Reflections from the 2000’s

As mentioned in a prior blog post (link here), I am a big fan of both nostalgia and video games from my childhood. With the final video in our series, I wanted to go into a little more depth regarding some of these picks and also their meaning to me and gaming as a whole. Video games have been a big part of my life and while I don’t get to play them as often as I once did growing up, I still enjoy their meaning and the stories behind them. For these four different games, I wanted to share some personal anecdotes from each and also the stories behind their place in my life. I also will go over some of their different cultural impacts as well.

With this also being the final video in the series, I wanted to briefly thank you for all taking the time to read this blog at any point in the last couple of months. I love sharing some of my favorite hobbies and interests as they relate back to business and connecting with new people. As time has gone on, I have also made a point to reconnect with my childhood as things get more hectic in this world. So would love to hear your thoughts on some of your favorite games or memories in the comments below or on Twitter as well. Thank you for the time and looking forward to hearing your feedback! 

-Super Smash Bros.

-Grand Theft Auto

-Metal Gear Solid

-Love/Hate Madden NFL

-Love of mini consoles

Images via, Rockstar Games,, Electronic Arts,

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